Strategic Asset Management

​​​​Our Commitment

Queensland Rail is committed to implementing strategic asset management to support a connected Railway system and achieve better customer outcomes in a sustainable and effective manner.

What we will do

We will understand the Demand and Capacity Needs for Railway assets now and into the future. We will then Plan, Acquire, Integrate, Operate, Maintain and Dispose of assets to sustainably deliver customer services and shape a Railway system to serve Queensland into the future.

Our objectives are:

  • to plan for a railway system that meets the current and future needs and expectations of the public and our customers
  • to provide safe and reliable delivery of passenger and freight services
  • to provide integrated decision-making across the entire Railway
  • to promote greater efficiency in the delivery of Railway projects; and
  • to cost-effectively manage our assets.

​​​To ensure that Queensland Rail achieves these objectives, we will:

  • embrace innovative solutions by better informing investment decisions in relation to migrating technology for future assets
  • undertake strategic asset planning through Service Investment Plans that delivers better and more cost-effective outcomes for Queensland Rail and the State, ensuring a customer focused, accessible and connected railway into the future
  • adopt a whole of life cycle approach to strategic asset management delivering fit for purpose, sustainable, safe and reliable assets
  • provide clear visibility of all associated risks, life cycle costs and asset performance to properly inform decision making
  • monitor and assess the condition of assets and their criticality to better inform intervention strategies and strategic asset planning
  • demonstrably comply with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
  • conform to contemporary best practice asset management standards while managing assets over their life; and
  • use and continuously improve asset management processes, systems, resources and capability to improve the delivery and performance of Railway assets and associated services.​