Publication scheme

​Queensland Rail is a statutory authority which operates through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Queensland Rail Limited.

Queensland Rail operates in a highly competitive commercial environment. However, Queensland Rail demonstrates its commitment to open government and transparency by proactively providing access to information wherever it is in the public interest to do so.

At times, the public interest is best served by maintaining confidentiality on information that has high commercial value. Although this is the case, Queensland Rail information, including confidential information, is subject to audit and Government scrutiny.

Queensland Rail releases information through a Publication Scheme where information is made available according to the following guidelines:

Administrative Access Arrangements

Queensland Rail routinely releases information to the public under various administrative arrangements. These arrangements may be made on an ad hoc basis or via an already established process.

In response to recommendation 31 of the Strachan Commission of Inquiry Report we are committed to ongoing reviews of our administrative access processes and we will continue to ‘push’ information out into the public domain where it is in the public interest.  In line with our commitment to providing world class customer service through proactivity and innovation, we now make it easier for you to access information through our administrative access schemes.

CCTV footage and associated documents for media organisations

If you are a media organisation and would like to access Queensland Rail information or CCTV footage relating to the following categories:

  • Slips, trips and falls
  • Trespass
  • Near miss
  • Level crossing incidents and near misses.

Please contact Queensland Rail’s Media and Customer Relations Team on 0459 226 970

CCTV footage for Queensland Police Service investigations

Queensland Police Service officers must complete a QP656 form and submit to Queensland Rail via the Rail Squad.

Queensland Rail Employees – personnel information

If you are a current or former Queensland Rail employee wanting to access your personal information relating to your employment history, please email  Proof of identity will be required.

Queensland Rail information published through other agencies

This information is available on the Queensland Government's open data website, opens in new window.