Positive pARTnerships


The Positive pARTnerships Program aims to work with community groups, local schools, and other stakeholders to jointly produce high quality public artwork and instil community pride in rail infrastructure.

To date, the Positive pARTnerships Program has delivered over 155 projects which cover approximately 27,000 square metres across the Queensland Rail Citytrain network. This includes station buildings, subways, sound barriers, ramps, and lift wells.

Commissioning of artwork

Artwork across the Queensland Rail network is designed, installed and maintained according to the operational requirements of Queensland Rail's Urban Art Instruction. This instruction explains that work may be commissioned through:

  • An open competition or an 'expression of interest' from artists
  • 'Limited tender' where a number of artists' agencies, or representatives are approached, or an advisory panel is used to recommend artists for the project
  • Direct commission where artists are approached directly based on suitability for the task.

The Positive pARTnerships team does not accept applications from individuals or groups outside of the above-mentioned processes.

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