Loud conversations in the 'Quiet Carriage', feet or bags on seats, and not waiting your turn to board are among the top train etiquette gripes reported to Queensland Rail.
The majority of Queensland Rail's customers do the right thing every day, by considering their fellow passengers and displaying great train etiquette. For the small number of travellers who do disrupt the journey for others, we would like to introduce them to our top travel tips to ensure everyone has a comfortable journey.
At stations and on platforms
- Plan ahead and arrive early so there's no need to rush through our stations.
- Stay to the left when using escalators, travelators and stairs.
- Spread out along the platform to avoid congestion in the middle carriage and help customers board quickly.
- Stand aside and let other customers get off the train before boarding.
Below graphics show: Plan ahead and arrive early; wait for others to get off the train before boarding; please use the hand rail on stairs and escalators at stations.
On trains - Quiet in the 'Quiet Carriage' – please avoid having loud conversations, talking on your mobile phone, or listening to loud music in the quiet carriage. The quiet carriages are the second and fifth carriages.
- During busy periods please move down the aisle and away from the doors to allow other customers to board.
- Always ensure the safety of other customers by keeping bags out of walkways and away from train doors. Place your bag on your lap or under the seat and not on the seat beside you.
- Keep your feet on the floor and not on seats.
- Please give your seat to someone who needs it. Be mindful of other passengers, such as people with disabilities, seniors, pregnant people or people with small children, and offer them your seat if you are able to.
- If you are occupying an area designated for mobility devices, please move when people who need it board the service.
- Do not consume food or drinks other than water on the train.
- Take your rubbish with you when you disembark and dispose of it thoughtfully.
- If you are occupying a seat next to the walkway, stand to allow customers to pass you when they are disembarking the train, or if they wish to sit in a window seat.
- Get ready to disembark prior to your station.
Below graphics show: Quiet please, seats are not for bags or feet, water only.
Travelling with a bike - You can travel with a bicycle or e-scooter during peak. Please travel only in the first and last carriages on six-car trains (not permitted on three-car trains) and board via the first or last train door.
- Please stay with your bike or e-scooter at all times and ensure access to priority areas and seating, aisles and doorways is kept clear.
- If you and your bike or scooter are in an area designated for the use of persons with disabilities or reduced mobility, please move out of the area when people who need it board the service.
- For more information on traveling with your bike including storage and online bookings, please visit the
Travelling with Your Bike page.
Below graphics show: Travelling with a pram; travelling with luggage; travelling with a bike or scooter.

When travelling with Queensland Rail, practicing good train etiquette is essential for a pleasant journey for all passengers. Equally important is adhering to rail safety measures. Being rail smart ensures not only your safety but also the safety of those around you. By combining courteous behaviour on the train with diligent safety practices, you contribute to a safer and more enjoyable travel experience for everyone.
For more detailed information on rail safety, visit our
RailSmart page.