Queensland Rail is a statutory authority established under the Queensland Rail Transit Authority Act 2013 (Qld) (QRTA Act) and is a statutory body for the purposes of the Financial Accountability Act 2009 (Qld) and the Statutory Bodies Financial Arrangements Act 1982 (Qld). Queensland Rail discharges its statutory functions through its wholly-owned subsidiary Queensland Rail Limited (QRL). QRL does not employ any personnel but owns all non-employee related assets and contracts. It performs the role of rail transport operator under the Rail Safety National Law (Queensland) Act 2017. The Board Members of Queensland Rail are also appointed as Directors of QRL.
The Board is accountable to two responsible Ministers for the successful operation of Queensland Rail: the Honourable Cameron Dick MP, Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment and the Honourable Bart Mellish MP, Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital Services. An Operational Plan and Strategic Plan are prepared and submitted by the Board each year for responsible Ministers’ approval in accordance with the QRTA Act. The Operational Plan is a formal performance agreement between Queensland Rail and responsible Ministers detailing proposed undertakings and target performance for the financial year.
Queensland Rail is committed to ensuring that its systems, procedures and practices reflect the highest standards of corporate governance. The Queensland Rail Board has adopted the principles and recommendations set out in the Corporate Governance Guidelines for Government Owned Corporations. The Guidelines provide a framework for Queensland Rail to develop, implement, review and report on its corporate governance arrangements.
Our business structure
Board Charter
The Board has adopted a Board Charter which sets out the role and responsibilities of the Board and the responsibilities of individual Board Members.
Board committee charters
The Board has established the Audit and Risk Committee, People and Safety Committee and Organisational Performance and Strategy Committee to assist in the effective discharge of its responsibilities.
The Board has approved separate charters for each of the committees setting out their roles and responsibilities, membership and structure.
Related documents
Find out more about the Queensland Rail Board.
Find out more about the Executive Leadership Team.
Find out more about our annual reports, strategic plans and our modern slavery statements.